You do have a very beautiful talent. Thank you for sharing it with our industry.
Hi Larah where do I even begin thank you thank you thank you million thank yous…thank you for honouring us on our special day 💖 💗 💕 you were amazing.
Dear Larah, Thank you so much for your beautiful violin performance at our wedding yesterday. Your music added an extra touch of magic to our day and truly moved us and our guests. We are incredibly grateful for your talent and the special role you played in making our wedding unforgettable. With love and gratitude.
Thank you so much for your beautiful music yesterday. The guests absolutely loved you!
Larah ek wil vir jou ongelooflik dankie sê. Die mense kon nie ophou praat oor jou nie. Almal wou weet wie jy is. Die dag sou nie dieselfde gewees het sonder jou bydrae nie.
Thank you dear Larah the client was so happy with you.
You were incredible and we loved having you play at our wedding. Thank you thank you!
Baie baie dankie vir jou mooie musiek! Die gaste het dit so baie geniet !
Dit was heerlik om saam met jou te werk en weereens dankie dat jy so flexible was op die dag.
Thank you so much. You were excellent!
You were magnificent!
Thank you thank you thank you!
You are so amazing and talented! You truly made our day very special.
Larah thank you very much for your excellent performance as a guest artist at the AGM. You did an excellent job. The feedback was very positive.
Thank you very much for joing us. The couple had a great experience!
Dankie Larah en dankie vir die mooi musiek. Jy is awesome!